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这是一款非常简洁且易用的USB 编程器,该装置基于Atmel AVR控制器,使得我们的3Pi Robot操作更加方便。除此之外他还具备模拟STK500的虚拟串口,兼容标准AVR编程软件。这两个额外的功能,可以帮助我们构建和调试TTL串行端口用于通用的沟通和SLO-监测信号及电压等级范围等项目。此款产品支持Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Linux等操作系统。
实物比对 尺寸标注准确
1、产品名称:Pololu USB AVR下载器
3、一般的AVR ISP 编程:基于 Atmel AVR 控制器,可通过USB端口与电脑连接,通过附带的USB A到mini-B电缆和通信编程软件,如Atmel Studio或AVRDUDE,通过一个虚拟的COM端口使用AVRISPV2/STK500协议。
4、操作系统: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Linux
5、TTL串行端口:USB AVR编程作为一个编程器安装两个虚拟COM端口的USB到串口适配器:一个用于通信的编程软件和一个通用USB到串口适配器,这意味着通过TTL串口你可以任意地切换一个AVR编程和调试,而无需打开和关闭终端程序。
6、SLO-scope:此装置还可以应用于另外两个渠道。严重限制的示波器( SLO范围)用A和B引脚为模拟电压输入和的Pololu SLO范围为Windows应用程序的SLO范围可以测量电压在0 ~ 5 V (上限电压由USB电压的控制) 。如果你使用外部分压器,它支持两种采样模式: 10 kHz的两个8位模拟输入7位或20 kHz的模拟输入和数字输入,这个功能可以帮助您调试您的电路和固件。
General AVR ISP Programmer:
The Pololu USB AVR Programmer is an extremely compact, low-cost in-system programmer (ISP) for Atmel’s AVR mirocontrollers, which makes this device an attractive programming solution for AVR-based controllers like Pololu Orangutan robot controllers. The USB AVR programmer connects to your computer’s USB port via an included USB A to mini-B cable and communicates with your programming software, such as Atmel Studio or AVRDUDE, through a virtual COM port using the AVRISPV2/STK500 protocol. The programmer connects to your target device via an included 6-pin ISP programming cable (the older, 10-pin ISP connections are not directly supported, but it’s easy to create or purchase a 6-pin-to-10-pin ISP adapter).
Supported Microcontrollers:
The programmer should work with all AVRs that can be programmed with the AVR ISP interface, but it has not been tested on all devices. It has been tested with all Orangutan robot controllers and the 3pi Robot. The programmer features upgradable firmware, allowing updates for future devices. It does not currently work with Atmel’s XMega line of microcontrollers.
The programmer is powered by the 5V USB power bus, and it is intended for programming AVRs that are running at close to 5 V (note that the programmer does not deliver power to the target device).
Supported Operating Systems:
The programmer has been tested under Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Linux. We provide limited support for using this programmer on Mac OS X; please see the user’s guide for details. This programmer is not compatible with older versions of Windows.
Bonus Feature: TTL-level serial port:
Bonus Feature: SLO-scope:
This device can also act as a two-channel, severely limited oscilloscope (SLO-scope) using the A and B pins as analog voltage inputs and the Pololu SLO-scope application for Windows. The SLO-scope can measure voltages between 0 and ~5 V (the maximum is limited by the USB bus voltage), or higher if you use an external voltage divider, and it supports two sampling modes: 10 kHz sampling of two 8-bit analog inputs or 20 kHz sampling of one 7-bit analog input and one digital input. This feature can help you debug your circuits and firmware by seeing what the voltages are doing at various nodes. (Please note that the SLO-scope feedback is quite limited and is not intended as a substitute for a real oscilloscope or a good multimeter, which will have much higher input impedance, better resolution and range, and higher sampling frequency.) The SLO-scope is not supported in Mac OS or Linux.
Included Accessories:
The Pololu USB AVR Programmer ships with a 12" (30 cm) 6-pin ISP programming cable and a 6’ (1.8 m) USB A to mini-B cable. It does not ship with software or documentation, but software (including drivers) and documentation can be found under the resources tab.
1.Pololu USB AVR Programmer User’s Guide
2.Pololu AVR Programming Quick Start Guide
File downloads:
1.Pololu AVR Development Bundle for Windows (release 131009)(11MB exe)
2.USB AVR Programmer Windows Drivers and Software release 121114(11MB pdf)
Pololu SLO-scope client for Windows.
Pololu USB AVR programmer configuration utility for Windows.
Pololu 3pi Robot 轮式机器人
1.树莓派配置APC220无线通信模块: http://www.makerspace.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=4306
2.C#串口通信: http://www.makerspace.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3908
3.ardunio学习篇 ardunio 与32位舵机控制器通信: http://www.makerspace.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2915
4.Arduino DUE 和Arduino WiFi Shield做为服务器,连接后? http://www.makerspace.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=4387
5.Arduino WiFi Shield如何通过代理上网? http://www.makerspace.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=4388
6.蓝牙模块配置问题: http://www.makerspace.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2927
7.蓝牙能实现一对多吗,传输距离大约多少? http://www.makerspace.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1256
8.蓝牙控制AS-2WD铝合金移动平台安装体验: http://www.makerspace.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=4749
9.通过蓝牙或USB在手机上可以显示传感器数据吗? http://www.makerspace.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1350
1.玩转Arduino-串口通信: http://www.alsrobot.com.cn/article-433.html
2.二代XBee实现Arduino与电脑无线点对点通信: http://www.alsrobot.com.cn/article-163.html
3.如何在windows系统下用串口通信完爆raspberry pi(树莓派): http://www.alsrobot.com.cn/article-141.html
4.智能全向移动平台——蓝牙遥控版: http://www.alsrobot.com.cn/article-263.html
5.WIZnet-Wifi模块配置工具WIZSmartScript详细介绍: http://www.alsrobot.com.cn/article-184.html
6.Wifi创新玩法---让劫匪无处藏身: http://www.alsrobot.com.cn/article-64.html
1.如何学习无线通讯? http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5e3f971b0100kyjo.html
4.Arduino为什么这么红? http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5e3f971b0102v37b.html
5.红外线遥控器解码原理: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5e3f971b0100m11c.html
1.AS-6DOF双足机器人功能演示之蓝牙调试: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTQyMzA3MzEy.html
2.二自由度舵机云台之无线蓝牙模块使用讲解: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTA4NTExMzUy.html
3.无线数传模块远距离数据传输功能演示: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzkzMjIxNjk2.html
4.XBee S1模块套件教学演示视频: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzA4MzAxNTMy.html
5.基于Iphone视频操控的Wifi-4WD移动机器人: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjY2MDU3MDU2.html
2.哈尔滨奥松机器人科技有限公司 (点击名称)
2.Pololu USB AVR 编程器(点击名称)
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