【奥松新品】首款带车轮Arduino控制板亮相——Arduino Robot
编辑:sophie2013-07-25 浏览次数:923
今年在美国加州举办的Maker Faire中,Arduino联手曾四夺机器人足球世界杯的团队Complubot Robotics给大家带来一款全新的“Arduino机器人工具套件”——Arduino Robot,这是官方首次推出的带轮子的控制板。这套工具完全开源,能教新手学会如何制作自己的机器人,亦作为一个对机器人进行定制改装的基础平台。
和Arduino一样,该平台的硬件(设计图)、软件和文档都是开源的。换句话说,你完全可以在遵循相关开源协议的情况下研究它,甚至复制一个出来。这款产品凝聚了社区团队的努力成果。除了提供硬件、软件和文件外,还有一个新版Arduino IDE和LCD液晶显示屏。
在编程方面,这款产品跟Arduino Leonardo没有多大的区别,两块控制板均可使用Arduino IDE进行编程,通过虚拟串行接口和COM接口连接计算机,并写入相应的逻辑控制命令。两个控制板上的处理器是通过内建的USB通道进行通讯,并不需要额外的芯片帮助数据交换。
上方的控制板工作电压是5V。其中包括5个数据I/O Pin、6个PWM频道、8个多路模拟输入通道、LCD屏幕、五键控制板、扬声器等。,
下方的机动控制板电源采用4枚AA碱性电池或者镍氢充电电池进行供电,但上方的控制板还可切换至USB供电。它拥有4个数字I/O Pin、1个PWM频道、4个模拟输入频道、用于动作校正的电位器、5个红外传感器等。
这款产品的尺寸直径约19厘米,高10厘米左右,看上去非常小巧可爱。“Arduino机器人工具套件”预定将于近日在Maker Faire Bay Area活动上首发,创客们大概可以在7月份以275美元的价格买到。
There's a new kid on the Arduino block, and it's called the Arduino Robot.
Launched at Maker Faire Bay Area, it's the company's first product that extends beyond single microcontroller boards. The Roomba-like design, which we first saw in November 2011, is the result of a collaboration with Complubot. It consists of two circular boards, each equipped with Atmel's ubiquitous ATmega32u4 and connected via ribbon cable.
The bottom board is home to four AA batteries (NiMH), a pair of motors and wheels, a power connector and switch plus some infrared sensors.
By default it's programmed to drive the motors and manage power.
The top board features a color LCD, a microSD card slot, an EEPROM, a speaker, a compass, a knob plus some buttons and LEDs. It's programmed to control the display and handle I/O. Everything fits inside a space that's about 10cm high and 19cm in diameter.
Pre-soldered connectors and prototyping areas on each board make it easier to customize the robot platform with additional sensors and electronics. It even comes with eleven step-by-step projects and a helpful GUI right out of the box. The Arduino Robot is now on sale at the Maker Faire for $275 and will be available online in July. Take a look at our gallery below and watch our video interview with Arduino founder Massimo Banzi after the break.
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